NL House Blowing in the Wind Postcard #2 Postcard #2 Postcard #2 Neighbours Too Much Rain! Underground Collected Data Flower Postcard #1 monotype, drypoint 5″ x 7″ Postcard #2 Postcard #2 Postcard #2 Postcard #3 Abandonned Store Postcard #2 Postcard #2 Yellow Tulip Flower Heads Blow It Away NEW TOWNIE 40″X30″ Echo Yourself Harry Blows Over Flower Coding Cloud Over Attachments My Painting TableMy Painting TableSmall-Studies 1Elements-at-Work-Easel-Studies-Small-2Easel-Studies-Small-2Winter-SkyWinter-SkyUnderground Collected Data FlowerUnderground Collected Data FlowerTownie-Wishing-RowboatTownie-Wishing-RowboatToo Much Rain!Too Much Rain!The Iceberg CaféThe Iceberg CaféSunflower.Sunflower.Studio Table TopStudio Table TopSparks-FlyingSparks-FlyingSnips of PaintSnips of PaintSmall Studies, St. John'sSmall Studies, St. John'sSmall-BitesSmall-BitesRoofsRoofsRed-Line-SkipRed-Line-SkipRed-and-PurpleRed-and-PurpleNeighboursNeighboursI Scream, You ScreamI Scream, You ScreamHot-HouseHot-HouseFungi-CollectionFungi-CollectionEasel Studies SmalllEasel Studies SmallCosy PinkCosy PinkChimnieChimnieBlue DoorBlue DoorAttachmentsAttachments